Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Role Modeling for Your Kids

Hey Fellas,

  How do we have healthy, happy kids.  We teach them of course.  We as fathers are responsible for the overall health, education and development of our kids.  School, neighbors and everyone has an impact, but nothing compared to you and the wife.

  What is the biggest part of raising a kid?  Role Modeling!  What you do, is what your kids do.  If you want your kids to be healthy and active.  You have show them what it means to be healthy and active by being healthy and active.

  I've come to this conclusion over the last few months.  I've always been healthy and active from lifting weights to hiking, traveling, swimming, playing sports, running and other such activities.  What I didn't realize is how much my kid actually wasn't a part of this.  What my kid sees is me talking about such things, but never actually doing them.  Leading back to the old saying: Monkey See, Monkey Do.  Now when I get home after a long day, the couch is trying to run away and I have to sit on it while watching TV to stop if from running away.  Well, guess what, this is what my kid sees as he doesn't come to work with me or the gym or whatever.  And especially these last few months I broke my hand and couldn't do anything.

  So, part of getting back into shape I've started bringing my oldest along with me.  Now he couldn't keep up and limited my workout, but the fact he was doing it next to me made all the difference between knowing and doing.  Now he works out with me 2 days a week.  But the most important part of this is giving my kid(s) a foundation of knowing what a healthy life style could be.

  Rudest Dad

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