Monday, December 9, 2013

How to Pick the Perfect Present for Everyone on Your Christmas List

For years my wife has gotten piss as hell at me for having the ability to walk in and walk out of a store with presents people love.  It blows her mind that I'm able to figure out what to buy someone.  I'm here to let you know it's not a mystery in how I can do it.  I'm here to help you figure out what to buy everyone on your Christmas List. 

Picking a present for someone is about a few things.  Will they like it?  Is the person worth that much money?  Do I know the person enough to get them a real present?

Money is one of the biggest issues.  If you spend money on someone you don't want to receive something worth nothing.  So when you shop have a price limit for each person.  Next once you know your limit and have a good idea of the type of things the person will like ship around, especially on-line since whatever you find in the store is more than likely going to be cheaper on-line.  Remember if you find a $100 dollar sweater for your mom for $20 your only cheating yourself by thinking you should get her something more.  Your job isn't going to be giving you anymore money next year.  This is something my wife and argue over every year.  She thinks that regardless of what we pay for a present we should be spending a dollar amount.  She would be satisfied if I paid $100 for the sweater, but because I found it for a deal she thinks my mom needs something else.  This is why women are crazy.  

When you start looking for the perfect present the biggest part is observation.  What does the person like to do?  What would they like to do? What are they always talking about?  What do they have on their desk, in their house, garage, etc?

Example 1:  Joyce is a co-worker I have to buy a Secret Santa present for.  The Problem is she's in accounting and I work in Sales.  Step One: Recon.  I need to find a reason to get to accounting to talk to Joe who's cubicle is next door to Joyce, this way I can sneak a peak at her desk that's plastered with pictures of her cats. Bingo a cat outfit or a bunch of cat toys or a gift card to pet smart.  Most of the time you don't have to be a ninja about having to know what someone in your family or your friends like.  Hopefully you know them well enough to answer the basic question: What do they like?

Observation works with everyone.  Find out what they like or want to like and give them something they will more than likely use.  If the person loves to cook than TJ Max has nice kitchen ware on the cheap.  If the person is a movie buff, tix to the theater.  If the person is an alcoholic buy them their favorite bottle of liquor, bottle of wine or box of beer.  If they are trendy than a trendy shirt.  If their Retro than a vintage T-shirt.  If their into their phones or music buy them an album or two on their download site like an iTunes card.  If their outdoorsy than a good water bottle or a flannel shirt.  If their avid readers than an E-reader from Amazon.  If their big DIY people, offer a weekend of their choice of manual labor. The biggest thing is giving a present that represents them not you.  If all else fails pick a gift card to one of their go to stores.  

In this day and age we have old reliable: The Gift Card.  These are great for that person who buys what they want throughout the year.  The problem is your attached to the dollar amount unless you are able to find a deal.  The reality is finding a discounted gift card only only happen on certain times of year and only a small fraction of the price, they don't give them away fro free.  I'm cheap but understand the value of something.  If I can find a $1000 camera for $100 dollars, doesn't change the fact the person is getting a $1000 camera.  Remember just because you got it for cheap doesn't mean they need to know.  

Giving a gift boils down to two things: 1) Observing the person long enough to know what they like, 2) Don't buy something you would like.  Number 2 is probably the hardest thing to get past as our Egos in this era has given us a selfish streak we have trouble giving up.  I struggle with this myself.  The other day when I was shopping in the liquor store, I'm shopping for someone who drinks Whiskey, but I like Bourbon.  (Yes their is a difference and if you don't know you might want to educate yourself.  Liquor is like wine for those with the ability to drink.)  Because of my own selfishness I almost didn't buy the Jack Daniel's Single Barrel.  This is one of the biggest fights you face when picking presents for others especially if you either A) don't like the person or B) don't know the person.

Picking the perfect Present for everyone on your Christmas List is all about giving them something they will like. 

Hope this Helps,

Rudest Dad 

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