Wednesday, June 26, 2013

LED vs LCD vs Plasma

Lets start with how awesome TVs have evolved from the black & white got to get up to change the channel, wrap your brother in foil while doing a hand stand to get reception to a TV that will turn on by verbal command with as many apps as your phone.

  The most common issue I come across when looking for a TV is which is the one to pick.  In a previous installment I talked about the perfect size TV for your space.  Now we are going to discuss what is the best TV hardware.

  I recently just bought a smart LED Samsung.  I'm partial to Samsung as I've found them easy to use and always having a great design style.  The things to remember is once you know the size TV your looking for is when to buy them.  Right now (March-June) is the best time as stores are trying to get in the newest and greatest.  Never buy the newest and greatest as you will be paying too much for something in 8 months will be more than 50% off by this time next year.  Plus everyone has a chance to review the specific TVs and how the bells and whistles work compared to others.

  You've narrowed it down to the size and model class but since it's offered in all three categories (Plasma, LCD, LED) your scratching a bald spot at our temple trying to figure out the lucky lady.

  Plasma by far is the best visually, having the closes to true black.  However if you plan on putting this in your sun room you should reconsider this as Plasma and LED reflect ambient light off their screens as they are reflective.  Putting either of these (LED/Plasma) in a brightly lit room is a no,no.  Plasma's are great for your basement and bedroom with black out curtains.

  LED is great for a living room with some light as it can be set to be bright enough to not reflect the light around you.  LED is by far the most energy efficient as LED lighting requires the least amount of energy.  LED visually is so bright and beautiful.  The blacks aren't as good as Plasma but they come in a close second.  Reflection is a problem if your lights and windows are in front of or above the TV.  If you have your lights behind the TV there is no reflection issues which makes an LED pretty nice. 

  LCD is in my opinion the best overall as it's screen is not very reflective and gives you very clear and great images.  The problem with LCD's is the price as this is the most expensive of the three.  Plasma being the cheapest and LED falling in between.  LCD has lost a lot of it's popularity since the LED has become a cheaper alternative.  However if you want a TV that will fit in any room without to much fuss than this is worth the cost.

Bulbs on these TVs have close to the same life span of about 8-10 years.  They are easily replaced if you have any idea what a circuit board looks like.  The thing to remember when choosing between the two is what are you going to be watching on your new TV.  Do you play video games and blue ray movies are do you watch soap operas on standard basic cable.  Don't pick a TV that doesn't suit you, pick something that will meet your needs rather than trying to accommodate the new TV.

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