Thursday, April 19, 2012

What the Hell

Why the hell does everyone in your life suck?  From the guy driving in front of you to the toddler screaming who just likes to scream.  Join me as I explore the endless debacle we call fatherhood with survival tips.

1.  No matter what your child says it is not relevant to anything.  But making the appropriate sounds that you are listening is not only a great trait to have your kid receive the necessary love and care they want and skills to mustering through the boring conversations you have with other people including your wife.

2.  Kids yell because their kids.  They don't need a reason and will yell and scream because they have no control of themselves.  Yelling back or arguing with a child is the most useless thing you can do.  Walk away or turn the music up louder than their scream.  I recommend a good sound system or earphones for your ipod.  Remember what they say is irrelevant.  (P.S.  This is more effective when the wife is not around.)  and by engaging in this behavior you only reinforce it.

3.  Utilize your Time Wisely.  Driving in your car is the only vacation you get without your kids.  Driving and screaming at the dumb ass in front of you means nothing except mo' problems.  Take the time to scroll through your hair rock collection and play something fun.  Because the drive to work is the only time you get to be by yourself.  Find a way to enjoy it.  Also kids love music even if you don't.  Don't put in Farmer Fred and the other shit your shrink helps stimulate your child.  Give them some practical knowledge and Rock out to your favorite tunes.  Not only does this teach your kids the difference between shitty music and may prevent stupidity.

4.  Just be there.  Kids need and want parents to show them even when their cranky little snots.  Have the understanding that a 3 year old is not going to be able to play Modern Warfare 3 with you.  Put they can recite the entire collection of semi-automatic guns with you and what's Daddies favorite load out and why.  Make them feel involved with whatever your doing won't stop you from getting your shit done.

5.  Remember your the hero.  The number 1 problem we forget is that kids look up to their fathers.  If your a dead beat you have two options the kid wises up and goes in the opposite direction or becomes a deadbeat too.  Boys want to be their fathers and girls want to marry their fathers.  Place this into perspective and act how you want your kids to.  This is by far the thing we as men forget the most.  We don't have to be Superman, but we should be at least someone worth knowing.


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