Men need only a few things to make us Happy. A cold drink, a lot of sex, no one telling us why were doing everything wrong and feeling capable of providing for our families. This last part is the key in feeling like a man. Genetically and through millennium of evolution we have been programed to provide for our families. Without this we can no longer be considered men internally or externally. We have to reclaim are manhood, but the problem is we can no longer do that in our current society. We have lost to designer underwear and service jobs.
As a man in a emasculating society we have to accept and move past a large amount of things we have been conditioned from childhood. We are suppose to be Alpha in the house, regardless. In today's recession driven society men are no longer able to provide for their families as they did. More and more women are becoming alphas in this capacity. This goes against everything we as men have been raised to be. As men we don't do well with change, resulting in anger and douchbagery. We are no longer allowed to hit things and take our frustrations out on killing animals to provide for our families, earning the money to provide. This has caused us to feel inferior which leads us to being a sad sack. Everything we have been raised to know and believe in has been turned on its head. The problem is we don't know how to reclaim our manhood in the acceptable manner of our current society.
We evolve or die. For this we must develop hobbies and things that allow us to be men again. Hence all the MMA do-jos, gyms full of middle age men who want to reclaim something they felt they have lost. You did lose it and now you have to man up and go reclaim it. Don't feel guilty in this as you go into a gym or a martial arts studio, take an automotive class or something manly. You are doing what you need to do to reclaim your manhood. We have to relearn the skills we no longer pass down from father to son. Because frankly everything has gotten so complicated we can't recognize them anymore. But there are still things we are able to do.
We must shed are ignorance and accept the world for what it is and learn to live within it, then carve out the parts necessary reclaim our manhood. If we don't reclaim our manhood how will our children know the meaning of respect, honor, and duty. These concepts will be lost forever to greed, backstabbing and hate.
As men we must have a common ground to know each other. No longer should we ridicule each other for trying to make ourselves better. No longer will we give a shit about the petty things. No longer will we worry about who makes the money, rather knowing our shit is taken care of regardless of by who. No longer will we allow ourselves to betray ourselves by wallowing in self-misery because we can't do something. We will take our man pants out of our wives/mothers/girlfriends dresser and start to reclaim our manhood. We will reclaim our honor, by doing our duty and respecting ourselves as we swallow our pride to learn and evolve in this panty waist society.